Pallidiana Honed

By Mosaics

PALLADIANA HONED by VULCANO DESIGN comes in 6 natural stone options – Carrara & Bardiglio, Verdi Cristallo, New York, Carrara, Bardiglio & Nero,  Carrara, Nero & Lotus Pink and Tutte Le Piertra.

Palladiana mosaic creates a seamless floor with interlocking marble pieces reminiscent of ancient Italian floors. Artisans in the The Venato developed the art of placing interlocking pieces of marble infilled with cement and hand grinding the stone until the floor was level around the 16th century. The Palladiana mosaic can be installed and honed so that a flat surface is achieved or can be grouted in the conventional way. This mosaic can be made in any marble colour or a combination of two or more as shown in the delightful “Tutte Le Pietra” . Custom colours available.

The Palladiana mosaic sheets are interlocking. However, they may require some craftsmanship on behalf of the installer to create a seamless effect. The install may require some of the mosaic chips to be removed from the sheets and installed to reduce the obvious division between the sheets.

Select colour

Tutte Le Pietra



New York

Verdi Cristallo


is available in the following sizes:

() is available in the following variations:

Model Tutte Le Pietra
Size 305x305
Application Wall and Floor
Location Internal and External
Slip Rating R9

Model Carrara, Bargiglio & Nero
Size 305x305
Application Wall and Floor
Location Internal and External
Slip Rating R9

Model Nero, Cararra & Lotus Pink
Size 305x305
Application Wall and Floor
Location Internal and External
Slip Rating R9

Model New York
Size 305x305
Application Wall and Floor
Location Internal and External
Slip Rating R9

Model Verdi Cristallo
Size 305x305
Application Wall and Floor
Location Internal and External
Slip Rating R9

Model Bardiglio & Carrara
Size 305x305
Application Wall and Floor
Location Internal and External
Slip Rating R9

Pallidiana Honed summary

SwatchModel NameSizeSpecial OrderColourApplicationLocationSlip Rating
Tutte Le Pietra 305x305Tutte Le PietraWall and FloorInternal and ExternalR9
Carrara, Bargiglio & Nero305x305CararraWall and FloorInternal and ExternalR9
Nero, Cararra & Lotus Pink305x305NeroWall and FloorInternal and ExternalR9
New York305x305New YorkWall and FloorInternal and ExternalR9
Verdi Cristallo305x305Verdi CristalloWall and FloorInternal and ExternalR9
Bardiglio & Carrara305x305BardiglioWall and FloorInternal and ExternalR9