
By Living Ceramics

The Vonn series is based on a fusion of marble, creating a collection inspired by the most fascinating facet of nature: its efficiency and ability to adapt to its surroundings.

Far from being merely style over substance, Vonn goes a step further by accurately reflecting the material in its natural state, bearing in mind that it varies according to its location and the conditions to which it is exposed.

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is available in the following sizes:

() is available in the following variations:

Model Vonn Antracite
Size 598x598
Application Wall and Floor
Location Internal and External
Slip Rating R10

Model Vonn Light
Size 598x598
Application Wall and Floor
Location Internal and External
Slip Rating R10

*Special order

Model Vonn Grey
Size 598x598
Application Wall and Floor
Location Internal and External
Slip Rating R10

*Special order

Model Vonn Greige
Size 598x598
Application Wall and Floor
Location Internal and External
Slip Rating R10

*Special order

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Vonn summary

SwatchModel NameSizeSpecial OrderColourApplicationLocationSlip Rating
Vonn Antracite598x598AntraciteWall and FloorInternal and ExternalR10
Vonn Light598x598Special OrderLightWall and FloorInternal and ExternalR10
Vonn Grey 598x598Special OrderGreyWall and FloorInternal and ExternalR10
Vonn Greige 598x598Special OrderGreigeWall and FloorInternal and ExternalR10